Over 40 successful years together
1981 - 2024
Being successful together remains as relevant today, as when I joined the DEC Group® in 1982 - Ton de Goeij, nowadays CEO of DEC Group® says:
When I look back, I see that the collaboration with our partners and employees has led to great Successes. Influenced by the world dynamics -globalization , we have each time rediscovered ourselves and our organization. Great many creative ideas were conceived and together we established a greater level of flexibility and a typical cosmopolitan mentality.
We have, in addition, been continuously innovating and have all seized opportunities and overcome challenges. This collaboration and creativity have led to many successes, and I would like to thank all our partners for this. The treadmill of world market dynamics seems to have gathered pace nowadays, more so than ever before. Once again, the current Global Impact offers also, many positive challenges and new opportunities.
Learning from the current worldwide situation, in the future, buildings will be developed and built by using a completely new set of concepts and ideas wherein we will learn that Quality Ventilation will be the key for our health!
Beside this, driven by demographic developments which will inevitably change the distribution of world rankings. Scarcity of raw materials, reuse, energy use recycling, prefabs, hygiene and the necessity of improvement in the ventilation of our living and working environment will all play a major role.
Taking our responsibilities seriously, we have further developed a range of sustainable products: under the QuadroDEC®, WrapDEC®, ConnectDEC®, CleanDEC®, SmartDEC®, GreenDEC® en DEC®ECOtechnologies names. During the ongoing development of these products, we have not only taken into account sustainability, but also ease of installation.
The connections are based on SafeDEC® airtight “male-female” connection technology, to facilitate quick and easy installation by only a “CLICK”, preventing air leaks and reducing failure costs. These successful innovative product concepts can also be made according to customer-specific needs. This also, is a distinct advantage and validation of our flexibility and creativity. It is typical of our decisiveness and our method of working.
We can proudly say: DEC the HIGHTECH, created by your DECTEAM!
In our Delivery program, you will find an overview of all our innovations: creative products that form the building blocks of a sustainable future concept for residential and professional buildings.
Enjoy our DEC Technologies® 40+ years of sustainable innovation
T.A. de Goeij

BIM Library
BIM is the abbreviation for Building Information Modeling (literal meaning: building information modelling). It is the holistic process of creating and managing information for construction projects. Based on an intelligent BIM model and a cloud-based platform, structured, multidisciplinary data is generated to create a digital representation of a project throughout its lifecycle, from planning and design to construction and operation.
We are also compiling a BIM library, enter your name and email address below and we will show you what you can expect!
Your info

Since 1994 we are as a company ISO 9001 certified and we have gone through many revisions of this standard. In September 2015, the new version of the ISO standard was published: ISO 9001:2015. We didn't evade this revision either. From February 7 2016 we are ISO 9001:2015 certified.
We pay close attention to improveme quality in all areas and we will continue to do so in our passion for flexibility!

Holidays 2024
Please note that our company will be closed for holidays on the following dates: